It’s the year-ish anniversary of the first ADVICE TIME, which was originally prompted by a suggestion from Culture Study Reader Ashley:
“I absolutely love reading all of the newsletters and threads every week and I truly think it’s the best community I’ve ever been a part of. All of the folks commenting are so wise and kind and thoughtful. So I think it would be amazing to have an advice thread. Like people could post a problem they’re having — anything from “I need a new couch” to “I need career advice” and anyone who has relevant experience or information can reply.”
I personally co-sign Ashley that this is a wonderful, thoughtful, enduringly wise community — and wouldn’t even consider doing a post like this if not for our track record over the last year and a half. Maybe you have something small you’d just like more input on, or something bigger that you don’t feel comfortable talking about with people who aren’t slightly anonymous strangers on the internet. Regardless: Ask away, ask with abandon, and give advice in return.