I had grand plans to write a long post on my dahlia cutting propagation experiments — and still plan to do so — but life and gardening got in the way, and I promised myself that I would never garden less in order to write about gardening more.
So we’re going to do something we’ve never done on Garden Study: a free-for-all open thread. You can ask questions or ask for advice, of course, but you can also just talk about something you’re noticing in your garden. You can talk about a plant that you love this season (like my honeywort, pictured above!!)
As always, try and preface questions with your climate and, for North American readers, zone (like I’m mild coastal 8A; if you don’t know your zone, here’s how to find it in the US and in Canada). And remember that we have all experience levels here; don’t assume others know something you know by heart, ask questions with abandon, and try and be the resource you wish you had (or still want!).
So let’s do it!