Every year I save up a bunch of weird and precise recommendations for gift-giving (including self-giving!): recs for gardeners and runners, recs for people who don’t have kids buying *for* kids, recs for fancy moms and spoiled dogs and avid puzzlers, recs for so many book-lovers and people who like to eat and people who have everything.
But first, I want to direct your attention to Trans Santa, a really wonderful organization that collects registries (and funds) for trans youth to have access to gifts and needs of their choosing this season.
I’d love for us, as a Culture Study community, to be able to completely fund some big ticket items like bikes, mobility scooters, and computers — the sort of thing that’s harder for small donations to cover. You can Venmo me at @ annehelen or send money through Paypal to annehelenpetersen@gmail.com (or click here).
I’ll collect for the next ten days and personally match all donations up to $1000. (I’ll also post screenshots of cashing out my accounts and donation receipts for accountability). I hope you’ll join me in helping a whole bunch of trans youth feel seen and special and beloved this holiday season.
And now, some links and gifts and gifts and links [yes this is paywalled, just like the links at the end of every Sunday’s newsletter are paywalled and this Tuesday’s GIFT CONCIERGE thread (where you can ask for help finding a gift for a specific person in your life) is paywalled. For whatever reason it’s small stuff like this that convinces people to subscribe to the content they value.]