Once Yearly Sale + A Much-Welcomed False Spring of Links and Recs
A great gift for young kids + Goggins can get it + wonderful non-cakey tinted SPF + best new pop podcast ep
It’s time for our once a year FALSE SPRING CULTURE STUDY SALE!!! This only happens this time of year — and it really is the only sale. This isn’t the Gap, where if you just wait around for a few weeks it’ll come around again. So if you want to take advantage of the sale and convert to a paid subscription….now’s your chance.
You get access to these monthly links & recs posts, the weekly thread discussions (see this week’s re: What Are You Working On and What About You is ‘Non-Traditional’), and the knowledge that you’re paying for the stuff you consume and value — and making this job sustainable.
The other day I was cuddling Steve, my five-year-old English Setter mix, which is something we often do, and then his nemesis, our two-year-old German Shepherd mix Beverly, rushed in close and he meant to snarl at her to say “I’m with her, get the fuck back” but really just bucked his head back and his tooth caught the very sensitive skin of my undereye and now I have one of those scrapes that babies get when they touch their faces with their fingernails and the vaguest suggestion of a black eye.
Sometimes, when we’re trying to be our most loving, we end up getting bruised. I don’t mean that as an excuse for physical violence — I’m only okay with this bruise because it was very, very accidental, and dogs are not humans. More like: loving others makes us vulnerable and tender, which is part of the reason so many of us are feeling the actions of the last month in our bodies. If you feel like shit — about the treatment of Zelenksy and, by extension, the people of Ukraine; about the ongoing revocation of trans rights; about our societal regression — that means you’re not numb to the suffering of others. It means you’re awake and alive and willing to fight. I’m holding that thought with me this week, and I hope you will too.
What We’re Doing To Fight This Week: Buying Plan B and Mifepristone
Even if you can’t get pregnant, for whatever reason (including not having a uterus), buying Plan B and Mifepristone is how we invest in the bodily autonomy of our communities. Rebecca Traister has a cogent and targeted write-up of how and where to buy supply now (and also make sure that your kids have their HPV vaccine, which can be administered starting at age 9).
And thank you again to everyone who made our $22,345 (!!!) donation to the Federal Unionist Network (FUN) possible — Venmo still has my account frozen for another day before I can transfer the last of the funds, but I’ll be posting receipts this Wednesday (this also allows me to transfer the handful of donations that have come in the last few days).