Why is it not mentioned that 99.8% of COVID deaths on America are individuals 24 years or older? Why the hand wringing of college cases when there is no evidence to suggest young, healthy people are at any real risk of this disease?
Why is it not mentioned that 99.8% of COVID deaths on America are individuals 24 years or older? Why the hand wringing of college cases when there is no evidence to suggest young, healthy people are at any real risk of this disease?
They can still spread the disease? Just because young people aren’t dying from it doesn’t meant they aren’t catching it and spreading it to others. That’s the issue. It’s actually kind of the main issue.
There’s been something like 1,250,000+ COVID cases for Americans 0-24. Likely many more, given those who never got tested. ~350 ended in dead. Or 99.9%+ of 0-24 COVID cases recovered. I like your insight, but the hysteria is unwarranted.
Why is it not mentioned that 99.8% of COVID deaths on America are individuals 24 years or older? Why the hand wringing of college cases when there is no evidence to suggest young, healthy people are at any real risk of this disease?
They can still spread the disease? Just because young people aren’t dying from it doesn’t meant they aren’t catching it and spreading it to others. That’s the issue. It’s actually kind of the main issue.
There’s been something like 1,250,000+ COVID cases for Americans 0-24. Likely many more, given those who never got tested. ~350 ended in dead. Or 99.9%+ of 0-24 COVID cases recovered. I like your insight, but the hysteria is unwarranted.
you do know that the people interviewed for this piece are.....not students