I was at one of the dying malls the other day, and I was surprised to discover that one space had been rented out to the local model train enthusiasts, another to a tutoring group (whether free or not, I do not know), etc. It really delighted me, even if the rest of the building felt so depressing.
I was at one of the dying malls the other day, and I was surprised to discover that one space had been rented out to the local model train enthusiasts, another to a tutoring group (whether free or not, I do not know), etc. It really delighted me, even if the rest of the building felt so depressing.
I was at one of the dying malls the other day, and I was surprised to discover that one space had been rented out to the local model train enthusiasts, another to a tutoring group (whether free or not, I do not know), etc. It really delighted me, even if the rest of the building felt so depressing.