I didn’t meet many rich people (prep school, trust funds, European vacations) until I was finished with college and working. With several older brothers, I figured I could do whatever I wanted, which proved to be mostly true. I wish now that my parents had given me advice about, really, anything. They were very hands off. I made my own d…
I didn’t meet many rich people (prep school, trust funds, European vacations) until I was finished with college and working. With several older brothers, I figured I could do whatever I wanted, which proved to be mostly true. I wish now that my parents had given me advice about, really, anything. They were very hands off. I made my own decisions and lived with the consequences. My mother’s childhood was so difficult and poor—I learned from one of my aunts. The thing that United and unites my extended family is stories…most of them very funny. My cousins (of my moms poor siblings) are all engineers or doctors), as are my brothers. Our parents were all on the same page: find something you think you want to do and do it; if you don’t like it after a few years, do something else.
I didn’t meet many rich people (prep school, trust funds, European vacations) until I was finished with college and working. With several older brothers, I figured I could do whatever I wanted, which proved to be mostly true. I wish now that my parents had given me advice about, really, anything. They were very hands off. I made my own decisions and lived with the consequences. My mother’s childhood was so difficult and poor—I learned from one of my aunts. The thing that United and unites my extended family is stories…most of them very funny. My cousins (of my moms poor siblings) are all engineers or doctors), as are my brothers. Our parents were all on the same page: find something you think you want to do and do it; if you don’t like it after a few years, do something else.