YES! I wish for all of us more meaning and connection when this is all over. Krista Tippett from OnBeing encouraged listeners to do a lot of reflection and pausing around what during the pandemic *has* worked for us. The not being so busy, the leisure time, the appreciation for just being outside, etc.
I've leaned so hard into meaning-ma…
YES! I wish for all of us more meaning and connection when this is all over. Krista Tippett from OnBeing encouraged listeners to do a lot of reflection and pausing around what during the pandemic *has* worked for us. The not being so busy, the leisure time, the appreciation for just being outside, etc.
I've leaned so hard into meaning-making experiences and how wonderful they have been. Every Friday we sit on our front stoop with our neighbors (6 feet apart) and drink and talk for hours when the weather is nice; I've let go of the shallow relationships that weren't worth the effort, my husband and I go for a long walk every evening. Rituals have created meaning and I don't want to lose that.
That sounds so nice! I've also mostly stopped focusing on shallow relationships and deepened a few of the more meaningful ones. So worth it. And that's a great idea from OnBeing; gotta check that episode out.
YES! I wish for all of us more meaning and connection when this is all over. Krista Tippett from OnBeing encouraged listeners to do a lot of reflection and pausing around what during the pandemic *has* worked for us. The not being so busy, the leisure time, the appreciation for just being outside, etc.
I've leaned so hard into meaning-making experiences and how wonderful they have been. Every Friday we sit on our front stoop with our neighbors (6 feet apart) and drink and talk for hours when the weather is nice; I've let go of the shallow relationships that weren't worth the effort, my husband and I go for a long walk every evening. Rituals have created meaning and I don't want to lose that.
That sounds so nice! I've also mostly stopped focusing on shallow relationships and deepened a few of the more meaningful ones. So worth it. And that's a great idea from OnBeing; gotta check that episode out.