Yes! I am in the exact same boat. I can't wait to take my now almost two year old daughter to all of the kiddy experiences. I grieve over the time she has lost with her cousins, too.
We didn't get to have the big first birthday party that I had imagined we would in June 2020...and now that a lot of my extended family has shown their true…
Yes! I am in the exact same boat. I can't wait to take my now almost two year old daughter to all of the kiddy experiences. I grieve over the time she has lost with her cousins, too.
We didn't get to have the big first birthday party that I had imagined we would in June 2020...and now that a lot of my extended family has shown their true colors during this pandemic (being anti-mask and not taking COVID seriously to the point of even going out to restaurants after being directly exposed) I don't really want to have that big party anymore. That's a really dizzying concept.
Yes! I am in the exact same boat. I can't wait to take my now almost two year old daughter to all of the kiddy experiences. I grieve over the time she has lost with her cousins, too.
We didn't get to have the big first birthday party that I had imagined we would in June 2020...and now that a lot of my extended family has shown their true colors during this pandemic (being anti-mask and not taking COVID seriously to the point of even going out to restaurants after being directly exposed) I don't really want to have that big party anymore. That's a really dizzying concept.
Oh yea- dealing with the true colors thing is going to be quite the dilemma on so many levels.