I'm just one reader, but I love the new look! Really like what you did today with how everything was presented 👍

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I love this new format because I never manage to get through all the mega links.

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Yes to weekly rather than monthly! Love the new look too 🤩

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I had to comment before I read to the end:

I'm fairly confident that for many of my generation, Dansk is the image we long for -- soothing, sturdy, something aiming at not-the-usual.

Perhaps the reissue is a signal that GenXers are finally getting their marketing voice?


I also like the new looks!

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I used to have an entire set of Dansk from my previous marriage. Can't remember what I did with it but if I still had it I could resell it...

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When I worked at Jacobson’s Department Store in high school and college, we did NOT carry Dansk. It was considered too hippie/granola for our upscale clientele. We sent customers across the street to another shop that stocked it. Of course, everyone my age liked Dansk. I always wondered how many younger people we lost by not stocking Dansk.

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I’m glad you’re feeling better. I co-sign all the Apple TV love. A sexy spy series with Vincent Cassel (ex husband baby daddy to Monica Belucci and sexy French man stereotype, respectfully) and Eva Green just started. It is called “Liaison”...Too soon to tell but I liked the Homeland vibes. Mostly just started at Vincent Cassel. My actual point is THIS FORMAT AND POST IS EXCELLENT. First of its kind that I loved: well written, curated with taste and restraint (hard to do!!!! much appreciated!!!) and great graphic, 10 out of 10, no notes!

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Well, now that my morning has started off with sobbing from the 'just trust me' guess I should start the rest of the day.

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it's a good one, isn't it

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Multiple people close to me have dealt with addiction, and this was such a frank yet compassionate essay. Thank you so much for sharing it.

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Also love the new look! A great Sunday read / peruse. Hope you’re feeling better!

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Love the new format. Much better than the mega links IMHO.

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This was such a great read (and bunch of reads) while I’m currently flat on my couch with the monster cold/flu situation. Love the new look and hope you feel better soon!

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The new look/format is effective! I was definitely more engaged.

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Speaking of Apple TV - the series Little America is lovely, an anthology series about immigrant stories. The second season episode about the nyc bra fitter was really lovely! I feel like it got zero promotion, but it’s worthwhile!

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While you were sick in bed Annie, we went to a reading. At the art museum. Picture Lois Welch introducing Chris LaTray introducing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Graham_Jones

Jones' selection were A+. Folks should seek him out.

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I am obsessed with Shrinking. It is so poignant and funny and everyone is absolutely perfectly cast, especially Jason Segel and Harrison Ford. I laughed and cried so hard during the last episode. I haven’t tried the purist coffee travel cups, but we have their water bottles and they are some of the best insulated water bottles we have. Feel better soon!

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Yes to the new format!!

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Love the organization of this post and would welcome weekly links like this. Thanks for all the the work you put into this newsletter!

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Love this look, even though I'm devouring it all on Monday instead of Sunday. Love the format and the content. I hope you're feeling better; that non-Covid cold nastiness has gone around here too and it's no fun!

I've got Demon Copperhead downloaded on audio (via libro.fm and my local bookstore of course!) but have been putting off starting it because it seems so long and also because lately audiobooks have wrapped me so tightly that I have neglected my real world duties until I've finished them. I'm thinking it's a good candidate for my upcoming multi-family spring break road trip...

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I'm in either way, but weekly recommendations in this format v. monthly would be a delight!

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