Humanities PhD who managed to get the "prize" tenure track job. Terrible commute, poorly run institution 4-4 load and research expectations but I still wanted to stay! It was like stockholm syndrome. I was denied tenure after having a baby and I am so much happier in my current job and life ten years later...
Humanities PhD who managed to get the "prize" tenure track job. Terrible commute, poorly run institution 4-4 load and research expectations but I still wanted to stay! It was like stockholm syndrome. I was denied tenure after having a baby and I am so much happier in my current job and life ten years later...
Humanities PhD who managed to get the "prize" tenure track job. Terrible commute, poorly run institution 4-4 load and research expectations but I still wanted to stay! It was like stockholm syndrome. I was denied tenure after having a baby and I am so much happier in my current job and life ten years later...