There are so many issues in the horse industry, and God knows the profit margins are paper-thin (maybe thinner than paper), but horses are miracles on four legs. Those of us who love it have a responsibility to make it accessible to kids for the future so it stays loved. One of my favorite tiny nonprofits I support in my tiny way is a pr…
There are so many issues in the horse industry, and God knows the profit margins are paper-thin (maybe thinner than paper), but horses are miracles on four legs. Those of us who love it have a responsibility to make it accessible to kids for the future so it stays loved. One of my favorite tiny nonprofits I support in my tiny way is a program that makes transportation and lessons available to inner city kids. And thank you for your work. Horse stories and pictures are my happy place.
This actually made me tear up, thank you. I completely agree with you and it’s my mission to introduce more people to the magic of horses because they mean so much to me. I hope I get to keep doing this work for a long time!
There are so many issues in the horse industry, and God knows the profit margins are paper-thin (maybe thinner than paper), but horses are miracles on four legs. Those of us who love it have a responsibility to make it accessible to kids for the future so it stays loved. One of my favorite tiny nonprofits I support in my tiny way is a program that makes transportation and lessons available to inner city kids. And thank you for your work. Horse stories and pictures are my happy place.
This actually made me tear up, thank you. I completely agree with you and it’s my mission to introduce more people to the magic of horses because they mean so much to me. I hope I get to keep doing this work for a long time!