Thank you, Dalia, for your very thoughtful answers!

As a white cis woman with celiac disease, lactose intolerance, and insulin resistance, I am confused at the idea of my body being trustworthy, The cold hard reality is that I cannot trust it to digest certain foods properly, and that there is a very real genetic component to this. Celiac disease and lactose intolerance runs on my dad's side of the family and type 2 diabetes on my mom's side. I found freedom in accepting that this is just the way it is - that my body and genes suck and that I can't eat like everyone else without serious health consequences.


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I wanted to add another comment thanking you, particularly for the line "Low body weight can be a sign of failing health, and higher body fat can be protective."

I got covid 12 days ago and literally had a neighbor (who knew that I had covid) ask me a couple of days ago if I had lost more weight (facepalm)...my response was "um, probably because of covid..." it's so awkward because I know she meant well, but her question was so inappropriate!

I mentioned in another comment that type 2 diabetes runs in my family. My mom is 5'5" and 138 lbs and on insulin and her doctor is concerned that she has lost weight due to muscle atrophy. Sure, she's in the healthy BMI bracket but has way less muscle than she should, which is frightening. My pre-diabetes has been in remission since 2018 through dietary measures - at the time it went into remission I was 5'5" and 195 pounds (BMI obese). When I got pregnant later that year, my doctors were shocked at how low my fasting blood sugar and A1C were - "the lowest I've seen in a long while". Yet if you put me and my mom next to each other and had to guess which one was the diabetic, I bet almost everyone would guess me and not her.

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thank you for this! what a wonderful interview. I work in healthcare and am always looking for more knowledge around ways to promote body positivity. trusting your body is a fabulous place to start!

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i'm obsessed with this interview!!!!! thank you ahp for making this happen on your large platform.

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This was so good to read -- thank you for this share.

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Love all of this so much.

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Slightly off topic- But can anyone recommend a weight neutral dietitian in the area DC who can work with someone with other chronic illnesses?

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As usual this interview took me a few days to read, but definitely worth it to keep coming back! Downloaded Dalia's podcast, can't wait to listen after work!

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