I love this: “Through teen girls we learn everything. They are the truth tellers of our contemporary existence but also they are the question-askers. And the answers we give our teenage girls stay with them for the rest of their lives.”

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I'm not a fiction reader and book-length reading has been a challenge since the pandemic...but I literally just checked my library for this book based on the first question/answer.

Now to actually read the book!

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I’ve so loved seeing how people approach the project of defining what “a good day’s work” is in the 1000 Words community. And I’m always so impressed with the precision and intention you bring to this yourself, Jami. It’s powerful modeling. I can’t wait to read this book and see how it all came together this time.

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I’ve just begun the book and now know how much of its richness for me would have been lost without having read this interview. Thank you and Jami.

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Great interview about how a novel is born. I was on the fence about getting this book and now I will.

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What a wonderful interview to have land in my busy Sunday inbox. I'm a huge fan of Jami and her newsletter and the warmth she always shares with her readers.

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Stopped mid-way into the author’s answer to the first question to log into my library account and put the book on hold. And WOW so many wise nuggets of writing advice in here (even for boring policy analysts like me). This is why I love CS so much! 🥹

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