Aug 14, 2022Liked by Anne Helen Petersen

I'm so grateful for the spaces you've created here - or perhaps more accurately, got off the ground and then co-created with us. I look forward to the Sunday newsletter every week, not just for the thoughts you offer, and the links you provide, but for the appointment I get to make with myself (and this community) to read beautiful things and think about difficult subjects in nuanced ways. I get to slow down and simply *be* for a little while, and it is a gift. I so appreciate the ways you look at the world and the questions you ask of it, and for the lovely quality of your writing. Thank you for this space, always.

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I love this phrasing of it — "got off the ground and then co-created" !!

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I love this phrase, which totally resonates for me "appointment I get to make with myself (and this community) to read beautiful things and think about difficult subjects in nuanced ways." That's exactly how I feel when I sit down and tuck into this newsletter, and it reminds me of Cheryl Strayed's mother's saying, when you need calm or comforting, or things are just hard, "put yourself in the way of beauty." Thank you for putting beauty in my inbox, Anne Helen!

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Thank you, I love your newsletter. I feel like you bring in voices I wouldn't find elsewhere. I would love to see a companion piece about the dynamics that make Culture Study a sustainable enterprise -- I feel like you're the person to dig into the supports that enable someone to grow a business like this.

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Thank you for all you do❤️ This is one of the few great internet places.

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To steal the phrase used in the discord: I love everyone at this bar!

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Your Substack is one of the few things online that nurtures my heart & soul. I look forward to Sunday mornings to see what “Just Trust Me” will surprise & delight me with for a bit. I have found ways to satisfy my curiosity, laugh & even cry a little bit. I feel less alone! There are people out there that think like I do. Living as a “tiny blue island in a sea of red”, I appreciate a glimpse of camaraderie & like-mindedness. Thank you, Anne.

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Yours was the first newsletter I HAD to subscribe to. You always seem to be thinking what I'm thinking, just one step ahead and much more deeply. I'm so thankful for you & this community.

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I love your newsletter. It makes me think, laugh, cry, and wonder about things. It is one of my favorite things that hits my inbox. I got the notice that my subscription was going to renew soon and I wanted to pay it IMMEDIATELY!!

Thank you for taking that leap and creating this wonderful community!

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Appreciate what you do! And was delighted to read the link about exercise on vacations: I am hiking with friends in Spain in a few weeks (first trip without family since having kids 22 years ago!) and am so excited. It’s gotten me out and hiking in the glorious PNW all summer, which has been utterly delightful.

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I love your content. I wish I had more time to engage with the community. This is one of the most vibrant places on the internet. Keep on keepin' on.

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Congratulations! It is so liberating to be able to create your own path. It is also scary, when you realize it is all up to you. Thank you for this community, I’m so grateful for the conversations you make possible.

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I always look forward to a new Culture Study message in my inbox! Congratulations on two years of courageous and thought-provoking work and God willing there will be many more to come.

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Thank you for this, it gives me so much hope for what writing here can be.

“.. to workshop ideas still very much in process of solidifying. I wanted to be able to be at one nimble and slow, to write about things with absolutely no “news peg” other than “this is an thing that has mattered, and will continue to matter.”

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I value this community you've created so much. Thank YOU!

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Congratulations! I've learned a lot, as a subscriber. For privacy's sake, I won't note the article that had the biggest effect on me, but it was the right take at the right time for me, a bit of a lifesaver. So thank you.

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I love your newsletter and the articles in your links! I miss many of the ones I would read but have run out of free articles. My question is, which should I subscribe to? The New York Times or The Atlantic? It seems to be split 50/50 for which one I would read more articles so I am looking for other considerations that would make one better than the other.

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Thank you for doing this. I don’t always have time to read it, but I like to know it is there.

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