Small-breasted lady here! (B cup—experience might be different for people A-cup and smaller.) Everything you are saying is pretty much my experience too. Lots of adjusting ("lean in, put your hand here—no, here—OK, try here") and positioning even with less breast tissue. Probably 5 minutes in all, reflective of less breast, ha!
Small-breasted lady here! (B cup—experience might be different for people A-cup and smaller.) Everything you are saying is pretty much my experience too. Lots of adjusting ("lean in, put your hand here—no, here—OK, try here") and positioning even with less breast tissue. Probably 5 minutes in all, reflective of less breast, ha!
Small-breasted lady here! (B cup—experience might be different for people A-cup and smaller.) Everything you are saying is pretty much my experience too. Lots of adjusting ("lean in, put your hand here—no, here—OK, try here") and positioning even with less breast tissue. Probably 5 minutes in all, reflective of less breast, ha!