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I had my first colonoscopy last year, after I started seeing blood in my poop. It's turned out to be a bit of wear & tear around a diverticular pocket, and it's still going on, so I'll probably have another one this year plus some repair work. So - if you are seeing blood, as Anne says, it really can be *all number* of things, and not The Worst - but it is also really, really important to get checked, and do it regularly.

What I found most fascinating was the procedure itself, because I got to watch it in realtime. I was so nervous beforehand that the sedative failed to knock me out, and I suddenly felt so chill about it that I decided to not ask for more of it. So - I watched the screen as it happened. IT WAS FASCINATING. Honestly, I have rarely been so enthralled by anything on a TV. I can still remember the whole thing too - my initial anxiety must have been sky-high to override the meds like that. But at that point, all my nervousness utterly disappeared (the doctors and nurses were really lovely too - Scottish healthcare for the win). Couldn't feel anything, felt the most relaxed I'd been in years, and I got to see firsthand where the problem was, and listen to them say it was nothing to be too worried about.

10/10 would colonoscopize again (and will be doing soon).

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Mike, are you in the UK? I wonder if they use different sedatives here, as watching the screen was the highlight of my procedures but most people in the comments don't seem to have experienced it! On the downside I think our prep mixture is not as great as across the Atlantic - I was given vast amounts of laxido, which is also used as a laxative for people on bed rest, and wasn't super effective. Glad you had a good experience ☺️

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Yes, UK! Scottish healthcare system. That's so interesting. I wonder if there's a big difference in sedatives? And for the prep, I wasn't given Laxido - I had Movidol (macrogol) and it worked....uh, spectacularly. 😁 I've been given Laxido before and it had a much milder effect on me, so yes, surprising that you were given that for a colonoscopy!

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I also watched the screen (US) and thought it was super cool! Except the doctor was asking me questions and I kept thinking why are you talking to me I cannot answer you?! He wanted to know if I had used something that had senna (sp?) in it because it looked like there was some staining. I could have had a much better answer if he asked me after but I could barely focus enough to figure out what the question was.

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