This was so interesting! It made me think about how little movement I did during grad school, largely because grad school (for me) was perfectly designed to make me feel guilty for doing anything that felt like "fun" or "leisure". I was also parenting young children at the time so my default settings were "reading and parenting" or "feel…
This was so interesting! It made me think about how little movement I did during grad school, largely because grad school (for me) was perfectly designed to make me feel guilty for doing anything that felt like "fun" or "leisure". I was also parenting young children at the time so my default settings were "reading and parenting" or "feeling guilty for not reading and parenting". In hindsight, I needed the stress relief of exercise more during that time than any other time of my life but nobody in my grad program ever suggested that we actually do things to take care of our physical or mental health. I would have been a better student and writer if I had been moving more, I am certain of that.
This was so interesting! It made me think about how little movement I did during grad school, largely because grad school (for me) was perfectly designed to make me feel guilty for doing anything that felt like "fun" or "leisure". I was also parenting young children at the time so my default settings were "reading and parenting" or "feeling guilty for not reading and parenting". In hindsight, I needed the stress relief of exercise more during that time than any other time of my life but nobody in my grad program ever suggested that we actually do things to take care of our physical or mental health. I would have been a better student and writer if I had been moving more, I am certain of that.