Such a thought-provoking piece. Thank you. 'What would it look like if people of all backgrounds and identities had access to safe and fun recreational exercise experiences and the time, space, and health to enjoy them?' I dabbled with all kinds of different exercise but didn't find the one I've stuck at (taekwondo, for 12 years now) unt…
Such a thought-provoking piece. Thank you. 'What would it look like if people of all backgrounds and identities had access to safe and fun recreational exercise experiences and the time, space, and health to enjoy them?' I dabbled with all kinds of different exercise but didn't find the one I've stuck at (taekwondo, for 12 years now) until exercise was able to fit into my life and around my responsibilities. I train with my daughter (we've both done it since she was 5) and I am stronger, healthier, more *awake* (I used to fall asleep on the couch after dinner) and happier for it. I wonder how much better off our society would be if we could all have that? I don't think that's evangelising fitness—accessibility is a public good.
Such a thought-provoking piece. Thank you. 'What would it look like if people of all backgrounds and identities had access to safe and fun recreational exercise experiences and the time, space, and health to enjoy them?' I dabbled with all kinds of different exercise but didn't find the one I've stuck at (taekwondo, for 12 years now) until exercise was able to fit into my life and around my responsibilities. I train with my daughter (we've both done it since she was 5) and I am stronger, healthier, more *awake* (I used to fall asleep on the couch after dinner) and happier for it. I wonder how much better off our society would be if we could all have that? I don't think that's evangelising fitness—accessibility is a public good.