anyone else in this community share my obsession with milkweeds? im on the east coast, NY, and i would do almost anything for A. quadrifolia if anyone has it. 🥺

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I have had the worst aphid problems with milkweed & gave up. Any tips?

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spraying them with water helps a lot. insecticidal soap, but obviously you'd want to be careful using that because it would impact larvae and nectaring butterflies. in my yard the aphids are ugly and they suck the vigor out of seeds (if you save seeds) but otherwise dont seem to impact the usefulness of the plants, so often i just let them go.

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I have never considered different types of milkweed! this might send me down a serious rabbit hole...

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I think most Culture Study folks are probably in the US, but just mentioning this in case this becomes relevant: there are serious customs restrictions on shipping or bringing plant material including seeds across certain borders: certainly between Europe and North America and also between anywhere and Australia and New Zealand. So I would assume that shipping anything across oceans is probably a no-go.

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Would it be appropriate to input some indoor cuttings for trade as well? Monsteras, pothos, philodendrons, etc?

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For sure!!!

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Um wow! The list is already, like, whoa. Could people please share photos of their gardens, too? I mean, the seeds! The dahlias! They have to be magnificent!

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I’m in Canada, and a total newbie… I’m following along and hope that next year I might have some seeds and /or tubers to trade with other Canadians (so as to avoid any cross-border /legal snags). Here’s hoping 🤞💐🌸

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omigosh, this spreadsheet just gave me big aspirations for my gardening! WOW y'all are so cool. I haven't graduated to collecting and saving seeds/tubers yet, but this is rad.

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Just need edit access please and I’ll have some tubers to add!

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GOSH DANGIT I thought I had double-checked — click here and I'll also update in the piece: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sRMW-NJ3j0qmsAh2EqYAKAfdeouASZKUhFzpuqiPx5g/edit?usp=sharing

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