BRB, gotta go guillotine the entire for-profit real estate industry.

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Can’t stop worrying about the abundant mold Begonia Man is also growing 😬

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The picture being fifty years old apparently has NO BEARING on my worry 😂

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It's later than the 70s, but in reading this I couldn't help thinking about the 1990 movie Green Card. Andie Macdowell is plant-obsessed and needs to be married (?) to rent an apartment with a great garden. Gerard Depardieu needs a green card. They marry, hijinks ensue, and Andie learns that she can love more than plants, and it's okay to let a man into your secret garden.

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"they just receded into the background, dusty and neglected, like so many of the boomers’ barely remembered dreams." Whew. God damn. My dad called me recently asking, "I'm thinking about getting a plant. Are there any you recommend for beginners?" A singular plant. From a man who worked for the Forest Service. It made my heart ache and brim. I felt him very much in this piece, as a man who'd left the outdoors he loved so much behind to pursue a desk job and all the checkboxes that followed.

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I'm laughing at the list of 70's plants because we currently have in our house: african violets, jade plant, peace lily, bonsai ficus tree, and Christmas cactus. It's like we just re-created our childhood houseplant experiences. My husband has taken a recent interest in propagating african violets so we have SO MANY tiny pots of them, and he also gives them away for teacher gifts, mother's day, etc. We also have an amaryllis that my mom gave me that we've coaxed into staying alive year-round and split into multiple plants, and money trees that we split off from a single pot that outgrew its windowsill.

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