I considered myself “successful” in a passion career, fortunate to have made good money at it. But I look back at decades of it ruling way too much of my life. If I could start over I’d be an electrician.
I considered myself “successful” in a passion career, fortunate to have made good money at it. But I look back at decades of it ruling way too much of my life. If I could start over I’d be an electrician.
I also think there's an element of doing your passion for money takes the joy out of it. I crochet as a hobby and people often tell me I should sell my wares, but like, if I was crocheting on the clock I think it would just be drudgery.
My kid has been talking about not going to college and instead pursuing a career in the trades. Some of the co-parenting team and *all* of the grandparents are freaking out about this, but I'm like... why not? It's not like he's threatening to become a heroin addict here, he's expressing his interest in a way that will allow him to support himself! If he decides later that he wants a career that requires a degree, college will still be there.
Your kid is hella smart. I used to work with one of the major nationwide apprenticeship programs. Four year program includes 40 hours on the job training working 6 am to 3 pm. School two nights per week, 4 to 9 pm. After 90 days they get health insurance and benefits. The only out of pocket costs is tech manuals and tools.
Two years in, those guys were showing up for class driving brand new trucks, paid in full. At graduation they had their choice of jobs. They could easily make six figures. Not a dime of debt. More than one started his own business before they hit 30. These jobs will never be offshored, never done by AI. Who’s the smart thinker here?
The biggest problem we ran into were the teachers, counselors, and families who told these kids they could only be successful with a college degree. What nonsense. Please encourage your son to go for it!!
I considered myself “successful” in a passion career, fortunate to have made good money at it. But I look back at decades of it ruling way too much of my life. If I could start over I’d be an electrician.
I also think there's an element of doing your passion for money takes the joy out of it. I crochet as a hobby and people often tell me I should sell my wares, but like, if I was crocheting on the clock I think it would just be drudgery.
Absolutely! We don't need to monetize every hobby!
My brother is currently starting out his career as an electrician and I'm excited for/jealous of him in many ways
My kid has been talking about not going to college and instead pursuing a career in the trades. Some of the co-parenting team and *all* of the grandparents are freaking out about this, but I'm like... why not? It's not like he's threatening to become a heroin addict here, he's expressing his interest in a way that will allow him to support himself! If he decides later that he wants a career that requires a degree, college will still be there.
Your kid is hella smart. I used to work with one of the major nationwide apprenticeship programs. Four year program includes 40 hours on the job training working 6 am to 3 pm. School two nights per week, 4 to 9 pm. After 90 days they get health insurance and benefits. The only out of pocket costs is tech manuals and tools.
Two years in, those guys were showing up for class driving brand new trucks, paid in full. At graduation they had their choice of jobs. They could easily make six figures. Not a dime of debt. More than one started his own business before they hit 30. These jobs will never be offshored, never done by AI. Who’s the smart thinker here?
The biggest problem we ran into were the teachers, counselors, and families who told these kids they could only be successful with a college degree. What nonsense. Please encourage your son to go for it!!
He’s a smart dude. I wish him well.