Love that you company does that — it's basically like a low-stakes training/sorting program, too, that allows people to end up in the areas that suit them/interest them. SO FEW PLACES DO THIS, THOUGH — just like so few places (outside of trades) are now are willing to do on-the-job training, which used to be very much the norm.
Love that you company does that — it's basically like a low-stakes training/sorting program, too, that allows people to end up in the areas that suit them/interest them. SO FEW PLACES DO THIS, THOUGH — just like so few places (outside of trades) are now are willing to do on-the-job training, which used to be very much the norm.
Yeah, don't give them too much credit - this is a pretty exclusive program with strings attached - there's a requirement that participants relocate for part of the assignment, and they don't have a ton of control over where they're assigned or who they will work with. Also, you have to be recruited into it (current employees can't apply into the program). Finally, they only recruit from a pretty narrow set of majors.
BUT STILL! For those who have access to it it's quite a good way to learn about various aspects of the business. Kind of like a series of internships, but you're a full time employee with benefits while you do it.
Love that you company does that — it's basically like a low-stakes training/sorting program, too, that allows people to end up in the areas that suit them/interest them. SO FEW PLACES DO THIS, THOUGH — just like so few places (outside of trades) are now are willing to do on-the-job training, which used to be very much the norm.
Yeah, don't give them too much credit - this is a pretty exclusive program with strings attached - there's a requirement that participants relocate for part of the assignment, and they don't have a ton of control over where they're assigned or who they will work with. Also, you have to be recruited into it (current employees can't apply into the program). Finally, they only recruit from a pretty narrow set of majors.
BUT STILL! For those who have access to it it's quite a good way to learn about various aspects of the business. Kind of like a series of internships, but you're a full time employee with benefits while you do it.